Our project seeks to answer several questions:
What is the overall picture of the situation of Canadians in the context of COVID-19?
What are their main concerns?
How do they perceive the situation?
How have their behaviours and attitudes changed?
Are they prejudiced against people of Chinese origin?
Do the public policies promoted by governments and official organizations have an impact on the attitudes and behaviours of citizens in the context of the crisis?
How do the prejudices and discrimination against the Chinese population change during the crisis?​
What are the effects of the clarity and he coheren of government messages on the behaviours and attitudes of Canadians?
In the context of pervasive social
media and false news, how do public policies influence social cohesion ?
social cohesion
Cooperative relationships between individuals and groups of individuals based on mutual recognition, equality and norms of reciprocity (Harrel and Stolle, 2008)
How will the attitudes and behaviours of Canadians change as the crisis unfolds?
How has Canadians’ sleep been affected by the COVID-19 crisis?
What factors influence compliance with preventive health measures?
What processes led Canadians to mobilize for various social movements as a result of COVID-19?
While a research plan is being developed, several modifications will take place to closely monitor the evolution of the pandemic, and to constantly adapt the study to the reality of Canadians.
In addition, several research projects on different themes are being developed with our students and all our collaborators.
the clarity
Are policies perceived as clearly defined and explained ?
Are policies consistent with other related government proposals?